11 Sept 2017

Pretty Little Moments 
will always lasts 

A day in life can be anything you want to reach, the passion that you are giving to it is what really matters, after all what else shall we expect if we do not give a try? You must fill your mind with positive thoughts and inspire each other around you to create a better atmosphere, to re comfort yourself and be better than yesterday or even better than a simple day.  

As time is giving us the opportunity to enjoy the most tiny and invisible things that we can't appreciate, just because we are enough busy doing big things that it takes up all the time. No excuse is convincing to make us feel full, there must be so much rich power to understand what we are loosing out of our hands. 

The beauty of the flowers, the magic of the sunrise and the sunset, the purest of nature, and the understanding of love; there's so much to live and to join in the new venture of life.  

Precious moments, little ones, but at least the ones that will always lasts; from a conversation with your friends, a well deserved breakfast at bed, a venue in a luxury restaurant or a laugh reminding your past, or in my case loving every single biscuit, dessert, or sweet is what I do love, and in fact just love the way it looks even if I do not taste it, but perfectly will make my day.

So do not wait too much to do what you really enjoy, do not waste any kind of time in big things that maybe you'll have it for a moment, I think that little moments make difference and set for the rest of our lives.

La Réserve Paris- Hotel & Spa  @topparishotels

Marie Cassatt Tea Room 

Ruffle dress from HM

Cyril Boutique